When I stop and think about all that is wrong with the world it overwhelms me. Violence, drugs, our health, and our environment, the list goes on and on. Today is the day that I stop worrying and start doing something about it. I don't expect to change the world, but I do intend to make a difference. By educating, sharing experiences, and spreading the word, we CAN make a difference one person at a time...

Why Use Green Cleaning Products?

The EPA has determined that the air quality inside of our homes is five to ten times more toxic than the air outside, and usually contaminated with numerous pollutants. How can this be? We think of our homes as a sanctuary, a place to be safe and protected. But, every time that we spray a conventional cleaner we are filling our homes with chemicals and toxins that we then inhale or absorb through our skin. It's no wonder so many people are getting sick, and yet we wonder why?
The next time you walk through the cleaning aisle in the grocery store consider switching one of your conventional cleaners for a green cleaner. This one small step will help make your home a safer place for you and your loved ones.


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