When I stop and think about all that is wrong with the world it overwhelms me. Violence, drugs, our health, and our environment, the list goes on and on. Today is the day that I stop worrying and start doing something about it. I don't expect to change the world, but I do intend to make a difference. By educating, sharing experiences, and spreading the word, we CAN make a difference one person at a time...

Environmental Challenge

Did you know that if every home in the US replaced just one regular light bulb with an energy star light we would save enough energy to power more than 3 million homes a year! It would prevent 9 billion pounds of greenhouse emissions a year, that's equivalent to the emissions of about 800,000 cars. (http://www.energystar.gov/)

Here is where you come in. I challenge you to replace one light bulb in your home with an energy star light. Not only will it help save the planet but it will help save you money in the long run. It will save you about $30 over its lifetime and it lasts 1o times longer than a conventional light bulb. I use them in my home and there is absolutely no difference. You have nothing to lose. This one change is a way that a single person can make a difference. Remember, change starts with you!


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